Retailer CoLabratory Workshop with Hope Yoder Introduction to Lasers
My name is Hope Yoder, and I look forward to returning to VDTA. I am eager to share a streamlined plan to scale your business, gain a new customer demographic and be the "go-to" EXPERIENCE in town.
Do you remember when digital cutters were introduced to our industry? This is where I met most of you, and it's no secret that I love to keep up with what's new and trending in our industry. Lasers are a GAME CHANGER!
If you are looking for ways to grow your business and want to learn how owning a laser can increase your profit and productivity, register for my course to see the laser in action on different materials, from cutting fabric appliques to making acrylic rulers and more. Discussions and laser demos will include:
- Introduction Into Lasers
- Benefits and features
- Specs and important details
- Show-N-Tell – Laser-Made Inspiration
- Laser Safe Materials
- How to test and determine if it's safe to engrave
- Laser Safe Fabric Chart
- What types of fabrics are suitable for lasers
- Live Laser Demos
- Fabric quilt blocks
- Machine appliques
- Acrylic rulers
- And more
- Explore different models; which one is right for your shop
- Q & A
Hope Yoder - Aeon Laser USA

Monday, April 10, 2023
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location Name
Champagne 4